Transfer Factor Facts:
Scientific studies prove it: 4life Transfer Factor supplements offer the most
powerful immune system support available.

"Test results obtained from an independent, unpublished in vitro experiment conducted at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in Kashirskoe Shosse, Russia. The randomized
and controlled in vitro study assessed the effects of 4Life Transfer Factor® Classic, 4Life Transfer Factor® Tri-Factor® Formula, or 4Life® Transfer Factor Plus® Tri-Factor® Formula,
versus a positive control (Interleukin-2, or IL-2) on NK cell activity and effectiveness in destroying damaging cells. Blood was collected from healthy volunteers and then incubated for
up to 48 hours. (REFERENCE: Kisielevsky MV & Khalturina EO. Unpublished observations)."
Transfer Factor was
discovered by Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence, a New York University
immunologist, in 1949. 4Life Transfer Factor products have been in
the market for more than 15 years and are
certified and guaranteed. 4Life’s Health Sciences Advisory
Board (HSAB) is a team of renowned medical doctors, naturopaths,
immunologists, and microbiologists from around the world. The team’s
expertise influences research, guides new product development, and
provides a wealth of knowledge to distributors at 4Life meetings and
4Life Transfer Factor is a 100% natural product that
increases the immune system effectiveness up to an amazing 437% using patented and patent-pending processes. 4Life extracts transfer factors from
cow colostrum and chicken egg yolk to provide a wide range of immune system support.
Transfer factors aren’t vitamins, minerals or herbs—substances that add nutrients to the body.
Transfer factors are molecules that actually transfer immune memory and knowledge from one immune system to another.
Transfer factors provide intelligence to the immune system in three very important ways: transfer factor
help immune cells identify invading germs and other problems more quickly, transfer factors help
speed up the immune system’s response to an invader after it’s been identified and
lend a hand in remembering the specific makeup of each germ your immune system encounters, so the next time it comes around, your body knows exactly what it is, and what to do.
By activating the NK - natural killer- cells,
the immune system serves as a modulator that triggers our body's
natural response and remembers potential health threats. 4life Transfer Factor is a daily
use immune support natural product. Robust support for the immune
system and the entire body is vital. Targeted Transfer Factor
products provide specific support for different body systems,
including the cardiovascular system, metabolic and endocrine
systems, female and male reproductive health, urinary system and
brain. Learn more about 4Life natural
products: 4Life Science.
Go to the product
information section to learn more about Transfer Factor
or purchase
4life Transfer Factor now.
Physicians' Desk Reference
4Life Transfer Factor products are listed in the Physicians' Desk
Reference (PDR).
Distributed to 500,000 health professionals across the United
States, the PDR gives in-depth information about
4Life Transfer Factor and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor
Formula, plus a technical description of the product line and
synopses on several scientific studies. The PDR has been a trusted resource for healthcare providers for decades, and it always delivers innovative health information.
4Life Products Receive Cologne List
4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula and 4Life
Transfer Factor RioVida Burst Tri-Factor Formula now appear on the
highly regarded Cologne List as compiled by the Center for
Preventative Doping Research at the German Sport University,
Cologne. The Cologne List or
Kölner Liste is a collection of nutritional
supplements that have tested negative for banned substances.
Athletes utilize this list to ensure they are taking supplements
that will decrease their risk of unintentional doping. The
Cologne List is committed to ensuring safety through tested
products. Inclusion requires that products have been tested for
anabolic-androgenic steroids. Additionally, the manufacturer must
sign a self-disclosure which enables authorities to assess the
contamination risk of the product.
Learn more about 4life Riovida transfer factor product by watching the Riovida movie. Riovida is a delicious, nutritional juice revolution. It is the one-and-only beverage supplement in the world that combines the immune-boosting benefits of
Tri-Factor Formula with antioxidant-rich superfruits, including: acaí, pomegranate, blueberry, elderberry, and purple grape. This intense concentration of active ingredients provides education that supports the body’s ability to maintain everyday health and energy. And best of all, it is delicious.
Watch the 4life Riovida
movie now
purchase Riovida
right now
to boost your immune system. |
4Life online shop
All 4life transfer factor products are available at 4life online store. Select your country of residence
from the top right corner and
easily browse through the products available for purchase in your
country. Browse and select any products of your choosing,
your purchase will be quickly and securely delivered to your home.
Click here to go to 4life
online shop
Product Information
Access and study all 4life transfer factor products, scientific studies,
transfer factor product brochures, 4life catalog, transfer factor benefits, how transfer factor works, questions and answers and much more
including videos and documentaries on
this section:
Click here for 4life
products and transfer factor information |
4Life distributor opportunity
4life offers an amazing opportunity for people willing to earn money
by becoming a distributor. 4Life has always been—and always will
be—on the cutting edge of immune system science. Our protective
patents ensure exclusivity, giving you a distinct competitive
advantage in the world market. 4life transfer factor products are a must and a basic need in today's world. If you
plan to purchase 4life products frequently for your own use, your
family or friends, 4life business
opportunity is worth a look.
Click here to learn more
about 4life business opportunity
or enroll as a
4life distributor right now
All rights reserved.
4Life, Transfer Factor and Riovida are registered trademarks of 4life
Research. 4vidas.com is an Independent 4Life Research Distributor. |